An SEO audit is an up-to-date analysis of an existing website in order to discover indexing problems and optimization opportunities for the current rankings. For this purpose, the website is examined for various search engine relevant aspects. This includes internal and external links, technical performance and the quality of the content.
The website does not rank? There is hardly any traffic coming? Something seems not quite right, but the affected place simply can not be fixed? At this point a professional SEO audit, or also gladly called “SEO analysis” or “SEO check” helps. In an SEO audit, a website is checked for heart and kidney. The view of the website for users is only one part of a website. Search engines, such as Google, Bing or Youtube, see websites differently than people see them. The comprehensive 360 degree screening is therefore the best step for a sustainable SEO strategy.
Der WEVENTURE SEO-Audit dient als Abbildung, was bei der Website bereits gut funktioniert und an welchen Stellen es noch Ausbaumöglichkeiten gibt.
Dafür setzt sich eine:r unserer erfahrenen SEO Manager:innen über mehrere Tage ausschließlich mit der Webseite auseinander. Je nach Größe der Website erstellen unsere Expert:innen am Ende ein Dokument mit bis zu 60 Seiten und mehr.
Content ist King. Diesen Spruch hat bestimmt jede/r schon einmal gehört. Wir bei WEVENTURE sind der Überzeugen: Quality Content ist King.
Deswegen gehört zu jedem Audit auch die Überprüfung auf gehaltvollen und keyword optimierten Content. Wir prüfen das korrekte Auszeichnen von Überschriftenstrukturen, das richtige Implementieren von Bildern und Links und evaluieren Usability und Conversion Raten.
The screening of technical aspects takes a high priority at WEVENTURE. Websites with good technical performance can gain an edge over competitors.
For this purpose, we deeply analyze aspects such as indexing, pagination, linking, meta data, structured data, error pages, loading times and much more. We check sitemaps and robots.txt files so that they are prepared in the best possible way for crawlers.
To guarantee a comprehensive view of your website, we analyze the backlink profile of the site. Backlinks are links from external domains to your own domain. Here the quality is more important than the number.
That is why we use the toxic rating to check which links support the website and which ones harm it. Additionally we show possibilities for natural backlink growth.
The first step in a website audit is to aggregate data from various tools. The real added value, however, is the evaluation and interpretation of the data and trends.
For this purpose, our SEO managers work with various applications such as
All our employees are regularly trained in the relevant areas.
Good to know: One tool alone can never replace a complete SEO audit.
A professional SEO audit usually costs between 2000€ – 3000€, depending on the size of the website.
You need an SEO audit if you want to identify problems or potentials on your own website. It is the basis for improving your own ranking or increasing traffic on your blog, store, etc.
An SEO audit is written by a professional SEO manager. All our SEO managers at WEVENTURE have extensive know-how and experience in writing an SEO audit.
After the successful presentation and question and answer session on the audit, a joint SEO strategy is developed. We formulate the implementation for the first quick wins and define the further course of SEO support together with our partner.
We recommend creating a comprehensive SEO audit at the beginning of the support. After that, a condensed form of SEO analysis should identify possible new potentials annually.
Onpage refers to everything that is on the page. Associated with this is the analysis of, for example, content on the page, images and metadata. An offpage audit deals with the analysis of measures from other websites, mostly these are backlink checks.
1. Write for the users and not for Google
Humans first – Google Second.
Your website is for your customers and should be designed accordingly. The Google algorithm is now extremely advanced and notices when texts are written only for search engines
2. Make sure the page is self-explanatory
Keep it clean.
It should be clear at a glance what the page is about. It is extremely confusing and frustrating for both users and Google if it is not clear what added value the page offers. No matter how beautiful the design is.
3. Always make sure that the site is optimized for mobile application
Smartphone rules.
Nowadays, websites are accessed via smartphones. It is therefore extremely important that the website not only looks good on the desktop, but also on the cell phone. The Google crawler always uses the mobile version to evaluate a website.